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Saturday, April 13, 2013

BlackBoxTV Presents: Going Down - Paul Solet

GAMING NEWZ: Japanese Runners Gives Souls To PSN

Aperture R&D Ep5

Batman vs Superman - Injustice Music Video

My Ghost Sister and Me Season 3 Episode 4 "The Sleepover"

Amy and Rosie have their first fight when Rosie invites her friend for a sleepover, but Amy causes some Ghostly trouble!








Friday, April 12, 2013

APRIL 14 Otessa Ghadar Hosts 1st Web Series Screening at Filmfest DC - International Film Festival

Sunday, April 14th at 2:00 PM
NYU Abramson Auditorium

FilmFestDC Celebrates New Art Form and Collaborates with ITV Innovator Otessa Ghadar at Upcoming Panel Discussion

A new entertainment format, the Web Series, is changing the film industry. The new Internet-based art form made its long-awaited festival debut on April 6th, 2013 at the DC WebFest at the Arlington Cinema and Drafthouse. Otessa Ghadar, founder of the DC-based new media company 20/20 Productions and Greg Godbout, owner of the Arlington Cinema & Drafthouse, came together to put Washington, D.C. on the web entertainment map. Together, they showcased local talents and introduced this new film medium with its first theater screening in the Mid-Atlantic region.

Ghadar will be now bringing the best of the DC WebFest to the upcoming 27th Annual D.C. International Film Festival, a week-long showcase for new international cinema and talent held from April 11-21. Filmfest DC invited Ghadar to showcase some of the best web series produced by creators in the DC-area and to present a panel discussing the dynamics and potential of the web series within film industry. Among the locally produced series to be screened include “Orange Juice in Bishops Garden” (OJBG) one of the oldest and longest running web series online, “Thurston”, a new Western drama series, “Anacostia,” a soap-opera series that follows the lives of the DC neighborhood’s residents, “Malice,” an original and haunting horror, and “Mo and the Cheese”, a comedy new to the medium, among others.

A full list of the web series to be featured include:
Orange Juice in Bishops Garden (drama)
Anacostia (soap opera)
Malice (horror)
Mo & The Cheese (comedy)
Thurston (western)
Georgian Way (comedy)
Milgram and the Fastwalkers (noir soap)
Hard Fix (thriller)
Shotgun Mythos (sci-fi thriller)

Globally viral, much-beloved, and highly-lauded show OJBG is created by award-winning filmmaker Otessa Ghadar. As one of the medium’s earliest adopters, Otessa began OJBG in 2007, when the idea of the internet television was still in its infancy. OJBG tells the story of naive and rebellious teens growing up in the 90s DC grunge era. Set on the cusp of the Internet Age, the show follows the lives of a group of teenagers navigating high school and growing up, getting down, and coming out. As one of the oldest and longest running web series, it’s a true forerunner and pioneer of the wild west of film. Being screened online, OJBG also fills a global void in gay and lesbian storytelling among LGBTQ youth and, more importantly, acts as a catalyst for tolerance in countries where sexual orientation is considered taboo. Her series has recently been screened at SXSW’s OUTlander Project, Dinah Shore, and is a Telly Award Winner, 4 times LA Web Fest Winner, and Webby Awards Official Honoree. Otessa and her work have been honored by the Human Rights campaign, and Otessa has been named “Filmmaker of the Month” by the DC Film Office. OJBG is now airing on DCTV and has fans in over 140 countries around the world. The series is currently being subtitled in several languages.

Highly celebrated and universally admired during the DC Web Series Festival was “Thurston” created by Paul Awad and Kathryn O’Sullivan. “Thurston” is a Western drama about the residents of a remote mining town and their struggle for survival in the 1880’s Kansas Ozarks.
Some residents are fleeing troubled pasts. Others are pursuing dreams. All keep carefully guarded secrets. As outside forces move in, the residents must decide who amongst them is friend and who is foe as they fight to save their lives and the place they now call home. “Thurston” seeks to retell the American story of the West and its peoples for the new frontier of online television.

“Anacostia”, created by award winning local web series star Anthony Anderson follows the lives of the residents of Anacostia, a small residential community in Washington D.C. as they navigate through love, betrayal, deception, sex and murder, with a season finale that will leave your mouths open. This series is filmed on location in several areas including Washington DC, Landover Maryland, Baltimore Maryland, Virginia and New York City.

“Malice” is an original series, tightly scripted, directed and produced for brisk story telling by Phil cook – a veteran of independent genre films. The series is about the Turner family’s supernatural adventures in a house left to them by their late Grandma. The father has just returned from a combat tour in Afghanistan, reuniting with his recovering alcoholic wife and two daughters, Abbey and Alice. The whole family hopes that a change of venue, a new town, new home and new school will reboot their troubled lives. But no sooner do they in than strange and macabre events seemingly manifest from the very foundations of their old house and family members one at a time start to disappear.

Compelling, promising and well–crafted were words overheard in the audience last weekend when describing the comedy series “Mo and the Cheese”, piloted by newcomer Connor Bergeron a noteworthy web series creator on the rise. Mo & the Cheese, two renegade cops, take the law into their own hands, one webisode at a time. In a world of professional flatfoots, the two wise-cracking detectives throw the book right out the window and spit in the face of injustice to the delight of the law-abiding viewership!

Youtubers React to Boxxy

The Intern

Resident Evil: Down With the Sickness

Thursday, April 11, 2013

RavenCon, DC Web Series Festival and a New Episode

It has been a whirlwind week for us at Shotgun Mythos!

On April 5-7, members of our cast and crew were in Richmond, Virginia at the Sci-Fi Convention RavenCon.  This was a new experience for most of them and they had a blast.  Clint Gaige (creator, director, producer), Charley Bruce (co-writer) and cast members Marcus Lawrence, Ray Remillard and Christine Lange conducted a workshop on creating a web series,and Clint was also on a panel discussing the creation of great villains.  Then they all totally geeked out. Christine attended a workshop on 3-D Printing and got a miniature tardis, and Marcus was all smiles when he met the steampunk Darth Vader.  Zoe, who is 14, and plays Heather in the show commented as we were leaving that she had found her people...I think we might have created a monster!  She is already planning costume and makeup for the next conventions.

While we were in Richmond, other members of our cast were representing us at the 1st Annual DC Web Series Festival.  As one of my cast members put it, it was surreal to see the show on the big screen!  Otessa and her team at 20/20 Productions did a great job with this event, and we were delighted to be a part of it, and we look forward to joining them at FilmFest DC this weekend!!

The Cast of Shotgun Mythos accepting the Young Guns Award for New Web Series 
at DC Web Series Festival

And of course, the work continues...New episode of the show posts today.  This one brings a bit more humor to a very dark story, and the dynamic between Joss and Summer makes me laugh.  Mr. Fluffy was fun when it was written, but even more fun to see on the screen!  Now, I need to get back to work.  I get to hang out with Otessa and crew this weekend, but before I can leave I have to get sets done for this weekend's filming!  

GAMING NEWZ: Sims Suffer Injustice At XBox Art

Vlog by CHOICE-Wilma Morris exclusive interview

Watch the exclusive interview of Wilma Morris who plays Grandma Verna on Not by CHOICE. Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to COMMENT! Catch more interviews with the producers & other cast members @ www.youtube.com/vlogbychoice!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

3some Episode 2: The Big Mistake


3some is a comedy-drama web series, set in London, following the lives of three 30-somethings, Rob, Jenny and Paul.

Episode 2: "The Big Mistake"
Rob has messed up. Big time. Can he make it up to Jen?

Created, written and directed by Lisa Gifford
Starring Euan King (@euanking), Lisa Gifford (@lisagifford), Peter Halpin (@peterhalpin)
Episode 2 Guest Stars: Edmund Dehn, Debra Leigh-Taylor, Natalie Rosewood

Song: "Never The Same" performed by Tom Cox (@CoxySound)
Written by Tom Cox

Theme by Cameron K. McEwan

Twitter http://www.twitter.com/watch3some
Facebook http://www.facebook.com/watch3some
Website http://www.watch3some.co.uk
YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch3some

Orange Juice in Bishop's Garden: Q&A - "Ellen Winter on Lesbian Relationship Portrayal"

At our recent Season 6 party, Orange Juice in Bishop Star (and recent 2013 LAweb Fest award winner) Ellen Winter discusses her thoughts on portraying a lesbian relationship on the web.

Telly, LA Web Festival, and Webby honoree award winning teen web series following the lives of 18 kids as they grow up and get down in grunge-era Washington DC.
"The bad things we do. The things we get caught for--and how they are never the same.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Fear & Loathing

Creating a scripted web series is daunting and a bit frightening. If you don't have at least one moment of pure panic, then you're not doing it right. At least, that's my opinion. I think there has to be a moment that you realize, not only the magnitude of what you are trying to accomplish but the work that remains to be done and you should feel overwhelmed...but, only for a moment.

There is an old saying, "if it was easy, everyone would do it." And, while it might feel that everyone is doing it...the truth is, most web series are either commentary or improv comedy. Scripted series are fairly rare, because they're harder at every step. It starts with the writing and the work never seems to stop. But, that's why we try to climb this mountain. We want to prove to someone, somewhere that we belong.

For me, I think my moment of panic came a few weeks ago. Winter storms were impacting filming, actors were sick and we were way behind. We weren't even sure we would be on schedule for our releases. When we originally set out to plan the shoot, there was no way we would fall behind...on paper. Reality has a way of mocking all of your plans. 

But, we did the only thing you really can in a situation like that...we put our heads together and pushed through. Thanks to a great cast we are back on schedule...for the most part :)

We've got the next three weeks of episodes all in the can and edited. We need to film one scene that needs to be inserted into that 4th week's episode, and after that we have the next 6 weeks in the proverbial can. The goal is to have the season wrapped filming by the 2nd week of June. 

Season 2 has been written and already scheduled for filming next year, and it’s all looking good. But, it was hard work getting there. And, that brings me back to my point...panic helped. The panic forced us to buckle down and push through. Momentary panic is the reason we're back on track. 
So, as you push through your scripted series, keep in mind is okay to panic...but, its not okay to allow that panic to sink you. There… I covered the fear aspect, what about the loathing?

I've learned, after 20 years in the business, that it’s okay to be disappointed. It’s okay to feel that you didn't quite do the best job you could. I know that there are those who argue that you should be your own cheerleader and your own Minister of Propaganda...but, I think it’s healthier to look at your series critically. Learn where you made your mistakes and how to fix it. Once you start calling your show a series, then you are accepting that it is a living breathing art form...and that means that it has to grow and evolve. That means it needs to get better all the time. 

Look at the makeup effects from Babylon 5's first season...they were atrocious. They literally have a guy in a suit (you can clearly see the seams) trying to look frightening. 

Every multi-million dollar TV production goes through growing pains, why should your shoe string budgeted series be any different?

 I have given you permission to panic and to be disappointed. But, there is one thing you can never give yourself...and that is complacency. Use the fear and loathing to your advantage and most important...have fun. You're doing cool work and you're giving yourself the best film school in the world...practical application. 

Best of DC Web Fest at Film Fest DC

Sunday, April 14th at 2:00 PM

NYU Abramson Auditorium

FilmFestDC Celebrates New Art Form and Collaborates with ITV Innovator Otessa Ghadar at Upcoming Panel Discussion

A new entertainment format, the Web Series, is changing the film industry. The new Internet-based art form made its long-awaited festival debut on April 6th, 2013 at the DC WebFest at the Arlington Cinema and Drafthouse. Otessa Ghadar, founder of the DC-based new media company 20/20 Productions and Greg Godbout, owner of the Arlington Cinema & Drafthouse, came together to put Washington, D.C. on the web entertainment map. Together, they showcased local talents and introduced this new film medium with its first theater screening in the Mid-Atlantic region.

Ghadar will be now bringing the best of the DC WebFest to the upcoming 27th Annual D.C. International Film Festival, a week-long showcase for new international cinema and talent held from April 11-21. Filmfest DC invited Ghadar to showcase some of the best web series produced by creators in the DC-area and to present a panel discussing the dynamics and potential of the web series within film industry. Among the locally produced series to be screened include “Orange Juice in Bishops Garden” (OJBG) one of the oldest and longest running web series online, “Thurston”, a new Western drama series, “Anacostia,” a soap-opera series that follows the lives of the DC neighborhood’s residents, “Malice,” an original and haunting horror, and “Mo and the Cheese”, a comedy new to the medium, among others.

Globally viral, much-beloved, and highly-lauded show "Orange Juice in Bishop's Garden" is created by award-winning filmmaker Otessa Ghadar. As one of the medium’s earliest adopters, Otessa began OJBG in 2007, when the idea of the internet television was still in its infancy. OJBG tells the story of naive and rebellious teens growing up in the 90s DC grunge era. Set on the cusp of the Internet Age, the show follows the lives of a group of teenagers navigating high school and growing up, getting down, and coming out. As one of the oldest and longest running web series, it’s a true forerunner and pioneer of the wild west of film. Being screened online, OJBG also fills a global void in gay and lesbian storytelling among LGBTQ youth and, more importantly, acts as a catalyst for tolerance in countries where sexual orientation is considered taboo. Her series has recently been screened at SXSW’s OUTlander Project, Dinah Shore, and is a Telly Award Winner, 4 times LA Web Fest Winner, and Webby Awards Official Honoree. Otessa and her work have been honored by the Human Rights campaign, and Otessa has been named “Filmmaker of the Month” by the DC Film Office. OJBG is now airing on DCTV and has fans in over 140 countries around the world. The series is currently being subtitled in several languages.

Highly celebrated and universally admired during the DC Web Series Festival was “Thurston” created by Paul Awad and Kathryn O’Sullivan. “Thurston” is a Western drama about the residents of a remote mining town and their struggle for survival in the 1880’s Kansas Ozarks.
Some residents are fleeing troubled pasts. Others are pursuing dreams. All keep carefully guarded secrets. As outside forces move in, the residents must decide who amongst them is friend and who is foe as they fight to save their lives and the place they now call home. “Thurston” seeks to retell the American story of the West and its peoples for the new frontier of online television.

Anacostia”, created by award winning local web series star Anthony Anderson follows the lives of the residents of Anacostia, a small residential community in Washington D.C. as they navigate through love, betrayal, deception, sex and murder, with a season finale that will leave your mouths open. This series is filmed on location in several areas including Washington DC, Landover Maryland, Baltimore Maryland, Virginia and New York City.

Malice” is an original series, tightly scripted, directed and produced for brisk story telling by Phil cook – a veteran of independent genre films. The series is about the Turner family’s supernatural adventures in a house left to them by their late Grandma. The father has just returned from a combat tour in Afghanistan, reuniting with his recovering alcoholic wife and two daughters, Abbey and Alice. The whole family hopes that a change of venue, a new town, new home and new school will reboot their troubled lives. But no sooner do they in than strange and macabre events seemingly manifest from the very foundations of their old house and family members one at a time start to disappear.

Compelling, promising and well–crafted were words overheard in the audience last weekend when describing the comedy series “Mo & the Cheese,” piloted by newcomer Connor Bergeron a noteworthy web series creator on the rise. Mo & the Cheese, two renegade cops, take the law into their own hands, one webisode at a time. In a world of professional flatfoots, the two wise-cracking detectives throw the book right out the window and spit in the face of injustice to the delight of the law-abiding viewership!

Kids React to Corridor Digital

Here's an extra special bonus!

The Cab Ride & The Delivery Prank

Aperture R&D Episode 4

Meet the Mayfarers: Ep. 2.05 - "A Very Mayfarers Wedding"

The big day is here! Nick and Isobel finally tie the knot!

“Meet the Mayfarers” is a comedy about an estranged, dysfunctional family who is forced to live together for one year in order to get their grandfather’s massive inheritance.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

New web-series IT'S TEMPORARY

Hi Guys, 
Let me introduce you to the new webseries It's Temporary which is coming out in MAY 2013. Check out our first trailer. Visit out website and Like us on facebook.

Among the sunny valley of Los Angeles, in a small, cozy building complex, live six friends. Friends by circumstance. Friends drawn together by the ever changing flow of the California breeze.

A quirky and light-hearted comedy about the daily life of the tenants of

"Easy Point Apartments". Six people caught up in the world of temporary trifles, temporary relationships, and mishaps.

So please check it out and let us know what you think about it and follow us, because there is more to come. And share your webseries with us and we'll check it out and show our support!!!

Much love,
It's Temporary Team

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