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Saturday, April 20, 2013

Promoting Your Web Series Through OVGuide

OVGuide can be a great way to promote both new and existing web series. This site offers a unique opportunity to grow video views on the video player of your choice (i.e. YouTube, Vimeo, UnleashVideo, etc.) which helps increase awareness on those destination sites as well as some potential revenue for future episodes.

Video creators are able to automatically get the web video player of their choice embedded on OVGuide pages. i.e. Wainy Days. There is also a description and other related links for the cast, genres, and more. All of this information can be controlled by the series creator through the site’s data source Freebase.com.

The TV browse tool allows users to filter through videos/movies by genres from comedy to horror, which allows web series to be categorized effectively. The browse tool allows viewers who are unlikely to stumble upon a particular series to discover them in a natural way.

In addition to driving increased video impressions, this site also offers a unique opportunity for viewers to discover new web series. The site has also developed a unique web series browsing tool, where their 13 million unique monthly viewers can filter shows any way they want.

The next time you want to promote your web series, or search for new ones that are relevant for you to watch, head on over to OVGuide as they have some great things going on!

- Article published by: Jeremy Campbell, Founder and President of Spidvid

Episode 7 of Not by CHOICE is happening tomorrow...Sunday, April 21, 2013. Be sure to tune in @ www.youtube.com/user/notbychoiceseries. SUBSCRIBE, SHARE, & LAUGH!

IT's TEMPORARY - NEW web-series!!!

Hey Bloggers!
Check out one of the sneak peaks of the new web-series It's Temporary!!!

Like us >>>>>   https://www.facebook.com/ItsTemporary

It's super fun so let us know what you think :)

GAMING NEWZ: Rifts Of Evil In Skyrim

The Intern: Part 2

Aperture R&D Episode 6

Co-Op Breakup

The Continuum - One More Fight (Maroon 5 One More Night PARODY)

Blood Dragon: The Cyber War

Friday, April 19, 2013

American Detours Season 1 Trailer

LIVE: Hunt for the Boston Marathon Bombers

We are saddened to report that the victim in last night's shooting is Patrol Ofc. Sean A. Collier, 26, of Somerville.

Update: 2nd Boston bombing suspect is Russian-born 26-year-old Tamerlan Tzarnaev, brother of Dzhokhar - @NBCNews

Source: https://twitter.com/BreakingNews/status/325214683860725763

Surviving Boston bomb suspect identified as Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev, 19, of Cambridge, Mass. -SS

 Source: https://twitter.com/BreakingNews/status/325198420526645249

::::: LIVE:::::


After gunfight, one Boston Marathon bombing suspect is dead, another on the run

Police: One Boston bombing suspect dead, another on the run http://edition.cnn.com/2013/04/19/us/boston-area-violence/index.html?

Boston bombings: one suspect killed, one on the loose

Live updates of Boston Situation [Part 2] http://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/1co395/live_updates_of_boston_situation_part_2/

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Bullets - Episode 1: The Flop (Crime/Drama)

Bullets is about two bank employees, Hugo Roosa (Clint Keepin) and Mark Metzgar (Zach Silverman), who concoct a devious plan to steal from the same bank they both work at to compete in an underground poker tournament. Little do they know that the money they steal is owed to a money launderer working for Manny Sanco (Ed Morrone), the same mafia kingpin running the poker game. Mark and Hugo are forced to win the tournament or lose everything they ever loved. You have to ask: Is the buy-in worth it?

Bullets was an Official Selection of HollyWeb Festival 2013, a Semi-Finalist in the NexTV Entertainment Contest and won Outstanding Producing in a Drama at LA Web Fest 2013.

Also, check out this interview with poker professional and Bullets cameo star, Ali Eslami!

Be sure to subscribe on YouTube, Like Us on Facebook and Follow Us on Twitter for up to the minute updates!

Elders React to Vocaloids! (Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin / Len)

FBI releases photos of two suspects in Boston Marathon bombings

"The Wrong Guys for the Job" An Interactive Comedy Series

“The Wrong Guys for the Job” is a comedic web series where you the viewer gets to choose how each episode ends. The series follows Larry (Brian Dobski) and Charlie (Ryan Barry McCarthy), two inept criminals willing to take on any job they can get in order to work their way up in the world of organized crime. We have now released the entire first season on our YouTube Channel and Website

"The Wrong Guys" is created by Sutton McKee and Matthew Tibbenham and was shot in Los Angeles, CA. Sutton and Matthew have been writing and producing partners for several years. "The Wrong Guys" came about after Sutton and Matthew wrote and directed a couple short films centered around two, mobster like, characters (Larry and Charlie) who always found a way to screw up the jobs they were sent on. After seeing some success from the short films, Sutton and Matthew decided to take the two characters and create a series around them. While in the development process the two tried to figure out a way to utilize the web, creating a different experience that movies and television can't offer. Matthew suggested the idea of making the series interactive, so is what they decided to do.  

"The Wrong Guys" has been a great show to work on and had some amazing people contribute to the process. The director of photography for the series, Bruce Logan ASC, shot legendary movies such as TRON and was the special effects DP for films like Star Wars, 2001: A Space Odyssey and Batman Forever.

We hope everyone enjoys the series! Check out episode one below. For more visit our YouTube Channel.

Mr. Wang Goes to Hollywood

Here is the pilot episode of our brand new series, "Mr. Wang Goes to Hollywood", please check it out and let us know what you think. We are in the process of producing a few more episodes.

Welcome to the New Normal

Go LIKE our Facebook Page

We were just featired in Creative Loafing Atlanta! Please check out the article!
Creative Loafing Interview - Zombie Socks

Zombie Socks Series on YouTube

The "Zombie Apocalypse" has come and gone with life returning to normal. The Corporate America has figured out how to capitalize on the leftover undead wandering about. They utilize the Undead Rental Corporation to catch the zombies, clean them up and rent them to the living for all sorts of purposes. The first series focuses each episode on a different division of the Undead Rental Corporation, and is written in the style of popular TV shows - This episode introduces you to the UR Office and holding facility! The colorful characters have interesting takes on our new society.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Web Series Today: Welcome to new "authors"!

We recently added a new batch of Web Series Today "authors".


Here are a few key things to note:

1. The mission of Web Series Today is to keep the Web series community up to date with what is going on in the World of Web series. 

2. You should receive both an invite from "Blogger" and a welcome e-mail from Web Series Today. If you do not see the invite be sure to check your spam folder.

3. Since the blogger platform limits the number of authors we can add, it is important we allocate the author positions to active members. If you fail to post at least once in a 30 day period you will be removed from the list and your spot given to someone on the wait list.  If you were previously on the "author" list and you are unable to sign in, it means that you were removed from the list.  If you wish to be added back you need to send an e-mail to webseriestoday@gmail.com.

4. If you applied to be an "author" and did not receive an e-mail invite, please send an e-mail notification to webseriestoday@gmail.com as soon as possible. If you wish to become an "author" follow the instructions on the link on the right of the blog.

5. it is vitally important that new "authors" read ALL the directions (including links provided) carefully before posting. The directions are provided based on issues that have arisen in the past. If you ignore them, not only do you make the blog look bad, you make yourself look bad, and ultimately that hurts the entire community. Worse still it consumes a great deal of time and energy trying to correct the issues that arise as a consequence. So, take the time, review the documentation, and once you feel comfortable that you fully understand the conventions on the blog, begin to post.

6. The way to embed a high definition video on the blog is via a "640 x 360" embed. Learn how to do this correctly, as described in the directions, BEFORE you begin to post. This is perhaps the most common error that is made, so again pay attention to the instructions provided and if you are in doubt ask a question via comments here on the blog.

7. Remember to add tag/labels to your post as described in the directions. Having the specific Tag/Labels requested is again vital to the smooth functioning of the blog, so please do not leave them out!

8. We strongly recommend that you also join the Web Series Today Community on Google+: http://www.tinyurl.com/webseriescommunity

Again, before you begin posting, please make sure you have read the following very carefully:

1. How to get the most out of Web Series Today: http://bit.ly/howtoWST

2. Web Series Today FAQ: http://bit.ly/WSTFAQ

Margaret Thatcher's granddaughter Amanda Thatcher reads at funeral

Zombieland Trailer

OJBG's Secret Project: Ep. 2.05 - "OJBG Series Wrap Party"

Not too long ago, a lot of the Orange Juice in Bishop’s Garden family and friends got together at the Artisphere and had their first look at the final episodes of OJBG, along with some Q&A with the cast and creator Otessa Ghadar, and a music set by OJBG favorite, Beach Week. If you couldn’t join us, here’s what you missed, with a few added clips of the final OJBG episodes.

The creators of teen web series Orange Juice in Bishop's Garden have created the Secret Project. Get the low-down on upcoming events, cool people & secret places in Washington, DC.

Crowdsourcing the Boston bombing investigation

Amateur sleuths from across the Internet are piecing together images from the Boston Marathon bombing and weighing in on Reddit with their ideas about the devices and potential suspects. (April 17, 2012)

Boston Marathon 2013 Explosion

Orange Juice in Bishop's Garden: "Retro Tuesdays - DeAndre Baker"

Join us as we take a trip back to the distant year of 2009 as we interview OJBG cast members during the filming of Season 2. First up, DeAndre Baker, also known as Drew on the show. Be sure to check back next week for another cast interview from the archives!

Telly, LA Web Festival, and Webby honoree award winning teen web series following the lives of 18 kids as they grow up and get down in grunge-era Washington DC.
"The bad things we do. The things we get caught for--and how they are never the same.

Meet the Mayfarers: Ep. 2.06 - "The Randolf Chronicles, Part 1"

Randolf returns to con himself into Maggie’s life once again.

“Meet the Mayfarers” is a comedy about an estranged, dysfunctional family who is forced to live together for one year in order to get their grandfather’s massive inheritance.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Explosion at Boston Marathon

From Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boston_Marathon_bombing
The Boston Marathon bombing occured on April 15, 2013, when two bombs detonated during the 2013 Boston Marathon around 2:50 p.m. EDT in Copley Square, just before the photo bridge that marks the finish line. The blasts killed at least 2 people, and injured at least 23. A third, possibly related bomb exploded outside the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum.

An Ominous Interview with George RR Martin

We talked to George R.R. Martin about #GameofThrones and his questionable life choices.

Produced by Working Fish, starring Alex Aschinger and Chris Yule, written by Michael Jonathan Smith.

Please subscribe to our YouTube Channel and like our Facebook Fan Page.

Teens React to Hair Tutorial Gone Wrong & YouTubers React Bonus #8 (BOXXY)

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Pink Slip- Part 13 - Red Carpet

♥Hollyweb Festival 2013 Review♥

There are many Indie Festivals out there now that the creative freedom online provides is being recognized, but one stands above the rest- Hollyweb!  Last weekend the Indie community came out in droves for the 3 day screening event which ended with a blue carpet event and awards show.

Jennifer and Daniel Doherty really out did themselves for their 2nd annual festival, which was very organized and everyone I spoke to was impressed.  Screenings of 105 Official Hollyweb Picks were done at Raleigh Studios, Chaplin Theatre in Hollywood, beginning Friday April 5 through Sunday April 7.  I have to admit that I had no idea how many great webseries were out there.  The picks selected were definitely worthy of the honor, though my favorite of course was seeing DeVanity's season two Christmas episode on the big screen!  Catfights never looked so good!

Saturday creators, writers, producers and actors from all over the U.S. and surprisingly a ton from Canada,  came together for a panel discussion, led by Hollyweb winner Ed Robinson of the hit series Pairings.  

Distribution and how to build your audience appears to be a major hurdle- how can people find your series?  Ultimately it's about referring each others' series, especially within your own genre  There are several online sites that host web series including Koldcast TV, Blip.tv,  Funny or Die, New YouTube where you can have your own channel, Yahoo, Google Analytics, Daily Motion, WonderCon and Comic Con to name a few.  Frostbite is a new medium that is creating similar style series.

Knowing your target audience is key.  What genre is your series and what groups would watch it?  Get to know the bloggers, blogtalk radio shows and read magazines your audience do.  Write a schedule how you want to address your target audience in your press releases.  Respect your audience!  I agree with this whole-heartily  If you're not a soap fan but your show is similar, those are the people you're going to want to target.  What I've noticed is interaction with your audience is a must!  Twitter is probably the fastest and easiest way to do this.  Of all the social media outlets, this is my number 1.  While Facebook is good, I find myself on twitter numerous times a day and sometimes forget to check my FB.  Another key is putting a link to your show on other websites that have like content.  The more you get your link out there, the easier audiences will find your series.

A great source for chatting with other creators is via Facebook Community Groups.  One of the big ones is Toronto Web Series Community, for those in and outside of Canada.  Questions are answered and there are a lot of great ways to touch base with other series creators.

Another major hurdle talked about was how to analyze your audience.  Ultimately this is still in development, those currently climbing their way up the Indie ladder are pioneers and it will take a couple more years for everything to fall into place.  

To listen to the full discussion: Panel Discussion

Many webseries stood out for me and I would suggest anyone who loves great writing, incredible cinematography and talented actors, to check out a few of my favorite picks:

1. DeVanity- created by and stars Michael Caruso.  The series follows Jason DeVanity and his dysfunctional family, who are jewelry moguls in competition with rival Regis Jewelry.  A throw back to Dynasty and 1980's  primetime soaps, you will immediately fall in love with the crazy lives of the DeVanity family!  Season 3 guest starred Gordon Thomson (Adam Carrington, Dynasty), Robin Riker, Charlene Tilton (Dallas), Kyle Lowder (Days of Our Lives), Ari Zucker (Days of Our Lives).  Watch DeVanity

2. Milgram & the Fastwalkers- created by and stars Richard Cutting.  Based on facts involving alien abductions, this smart soap-like series
focuses on UFO phenomena.  It's beautifully crafted, written and acted.  A psychologist (Richard Cutting) gets sucked into the subject of alien abductions when several abductees approach him for therapy.  Is there an underlying reason they want him to help them? Can he trust those surrounding him?  
Watch Milgram & the Fastwalkers

3. Fumbling Thru The Pieces- created by Julie Smith, stars Hillary B. Smith, Robert Mafia, Diane Delano, Kelsey Robinson, Tara Chocol-Joyce and Kitty Swank.  This is a soap comedy and season two was incredible, with icons Michele Lee (Knots Landing) and Bobbie Eakes (The Bold & the Beautiful) guest starring.  Stellar cast and amazing writing, if you're a soap fan you'll love this web series! Season 3 is coming soon! 
Watch Fumbling Thru The Pieces

3. InSayshable- created and stars the talented Amy Matysio.  It's a comedy about a very quirky character Saysha, and her crazy daily antics.  She won 2 Hollyweb awards, well-deserved for Best Comedy and Best Actress in a Comedy- Congratulations!  Watch Insayshable

4. Golden California- stars Ron Hanks who is masterful in the art of improv.  This series follows the wacky Arkansas pure-bred travel correspondent on his crazy adventures.  The premise is hilarious- Herb Hendricks thinks he's a great show host, traveling to locations all over California.  All I can say is I could not stop laughing during the screening!  It's a must see! Watch Golden California

5. Dark Pool- this is a SciFi series with a twist of Twilight Zone thrown in.  Who are the people behind 'Dark Pool' and why doesn't anyone care or remember that a 6 year old has been kidnapped?  This series has everything for the SciFi enthusiast- time travel, DNA manipulation, alternate universes...it's a really interesting series I know you'll be scratching you head wondering what is going on like I am! 
Watch Dark Pool

6. Manigances- won for Best Action/Thriller/Horror and I agree!  This is a murder mystery, involving pretty shady characters and is beautifully filmed, written and acted.  It's in French, so look for subtitles. 
Watch Manigances

7. Old Dogs New Tricks- I love this webseries about 4 gay men, muddling through mid-life crises as they approach the big 5-0!  Stars Leon Acord who plays a talent agent, Curt Bonnem plays an online dating fanatic, Jeffrey Patrick Olson is an aging personal trainer looking for Mr. Right and David Pevsner plays the only married character, though married life isn't exactly what it's cracked up to be.  It's a fun, dramedy about life in West Hollywood! 
Watch Old Dogs New Tricks

8. Pairings- created and stars Ed Robinson, who combines his talents as a Chef and actor in this touching series.  Each week his siblings gather to cook dinner as a way of honoring their father, whom they recently lost.  It's a well scripted and acted series I highly recommend.  Congratulations to Ed on his Best Actor win!  
Watch Pairings

9. Love On The Line- created and stars Fiona Bates as a frustrated women who is fed up with the dating scene!  With her graveyard of boyfriend mishaps, she decides to create an online dating service mostly to help her find Mr. Right!  This show is hilarious and one not to be missed!

Watch Love On The Line

These webseries were not included in this years' official picks, but I suggest you check them out too:

10. Ragged Isle- what's lurking in the forbidden north end of the Isle and why are residents dropping like flies? This webseries will be releasing their final season in June, but if you liked the X-Files you'll love Ragged Isle! Catch up before the final season:  Watch Ragged Isle  

11. Pretty The Series- "There is a unicorn, his name is Gumdrop!"  Created by talented Steve Silverman, this comedy was one of the first I immediately fell in love with! It follows pageant father Michael Champagne's quest to have his daughter Annette 'Dakota' Champagne win a kiddie pageant.  Season 2 ended with iconic Joan Van Ark as an older Annette in the documentary-style interview and Season 3 was chock full of daytime legends including Genie Francis, Denise Alexander, Martha Byrne and more!  Watch Pretty

12. The Inn Series- this was also created by Steve Silverman, his homage to Alfred Hitchcock, it's a thriller starring pioneer of the web series genre Crystal Chappell, Denise Alexander and Kyle David Pierce.  It centers around a woman who's car breaks down in this little town and in order to get it fixed, she ends up working the only cafe in town, run by Lola (Alexander).  She has to stay at THE INN where strange things are happening.  A psychological thriller, Season 2 is set to begin in June, but catch up now! Watch THE INN  

Ultimately the web series genre is like television was to radio so many years ago and with so many amazing stories being told on the net, all involved are pioneers.  RHeart Network, the Fan's Voice will premiere our new blogtalk radio show, 'Storytellers On The Net' April 25 at 10pm (ET), a weekly chat highlighting the best on the web!  

Until then, never give up on your creative visions and keep at it!  The industry will realize how valuable these series are and will be the next step in television evolution!

RHeart Network, the Fan's Voice!  Follow us on social media:

Twitter: @RHeartRadio, @GHFansUnite, @TeamRHeartRadio
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Blogcritics: RHeart Chrissy
Web Series Today: lilchrissy
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*Available for download on iTunes

If you want to become an "author" on Web Series Today please read: http://tinyurl.com/becomeaWSTauthor

For more detailed information about Web Series Today please read: Web Series Today:

For other info contact: WebSeriesToday@gmail.com

Join the discussion: http://www.tinyurl.com/webseriescommunity