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Friday, October 25, 2013

PROJECT: LIBRARY | Episode 3 | Collateral Damage & How To Raise A Million


YouTubers React To Telekinetic Coffee Shop Surprise

American Detours -- Superstorm Sandy, Jersey Shore -- Episode 7, Part 2

American Detours, presented by American Collectors Insurance, pairs epic American roads with collector cars. The show's special Superstorm Sandy episodes focus on recounting firsthand stories of Jersey Shore collector car owners as well as local businesses and communities greatly affected by Sandy. The classic car featured in the episodes was totaled due to the storm and is now back to its pre-storm glory. The result is compelling video content that shows the passion collector vehicle enthusiasts have for the hobby and Jersey Shore residents have for the beloved area they call home (and home-away-from-home).

American Detours -- Superstorm Sandy, Jersey Shore -- Episode 7, Part 1

American Detours, presented by American Collectors Insurance, pairs epic American roads with collector cars. The show's special Superstorm Sandy episodes focus on recounting firsthand stories of Jersey Shore collector car owners as well as local businesses and communities greatly affected by Sandy. The classic car featured in the episodes was totaled due to the storm and is now back to its pre-storm glory. The result is compelling video content that shows the passion collector vehicle enthusiasts have for the hobby and Jersey Shore residents have for the beloved area they call home (and home-away-from-home).

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Orange Juice in Bishop's Garden - Casting Couch: Storm Garner Watches Ep. 2.9 (Part 2)

In part 2, Storm Garner (Chloe) sits down with OJBG creator Otessa Ghadar to watch more of Season 2, Episode 9 -- "You're My Needle & I Found You".  Storm and Otessa gush over Laura Long's acting skills and are shocked at how young the cast looks.

Billboard Top 40 Artist Side FX & Kim Cameron shared with us her bumper sticker statement. Stay tuned for the future Tapestry interview with this fabulous woman!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

(SEASON 2 PREMIERE!!) SMOKING Web Series - Season 2 Episode 1: The Made-Up

Drag queens discuss a mutual acquaintance and a love triangle ensues!

Fun facts about Smoking and this episode:

-Smoking was an official selection at the Los Angeles Web Series Festival where it was awarded.
-This episode was co-written by Cat Doss who also produces the show and plays Kylie, one of the main characters.
-This episode was shot at Lifebook Acting Academy, on the same day as the season 1 episode "The Ingenue".
-When not acting, Ava St. Claire is an accomplished costume designer.
- Jemal Draco recently co-starred in the acclaimed horror film "Jack the Reaper" alongside "Candyman" legend Tony Todd.

Official site
Youtube channel
Webcam character introductions
Facebook page

Monday, October 21, 2013

Get Ready for the YouTube Music Awards!

YouTube announces nominees and opens fan voting for its first-ever Music Awards

Read the full story:

YouTube Music Awards: live event taking place in New York City on November 3rd, 2013




Kids React to Lily's Disneyland Surprise...AGAIN!

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