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Thursday, January 2, 2014

Dating Savannah Love Introduction

Check out the video of the Stars of Dating Savannah Love, Donna & Mandalyn as the introduce the show to our FANS before the season premiere hit the Web tomorrow!

Emma Blackery,: 2013

My year in a nutshell! If you're reading this - thank you. So much. For everything.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Do you have big plans for 2014? Share them in a comment below!

Starring in a new Web series? Tell us about it in a comment below.

Planning on improving your acting skills? Tell us how you plan on going about that.

Going to be watching more Web series in 2014? Tell us what you would like to see.

If you are involved with Web series in any way, let us know, and let us know what you are thinking by leaving a comment below.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

30c3: To Protect And Infect

by: Jacob "@ioerror" Applebaum

success is incremental

 People always talk about overnight successes and for some it might seem this way but it's really an illusion. If a check shows up at your door one day there's usually a back story where you had to do something to get it. I say this because I've been busy promoting my web series The Invadershttp://www.Facebook.com/TheInvadersWebSeries and I see each day a couple of new people will like the page or subscribe to the You Tube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/theinvaderswebseries. They each gain a couple of people per day, but it requires me to reach out to people everyday. Sometimes this can be exhausting, but that's the process, I guess its like saving money a few dollars here a few dollars there and before you know it you have a few dollars more. (which is a cool Clint Eastwood movie despite him acting like an asshole Republican sometimes) So where was I oh yes so if you haven't liked The Invaders on Facebook don't make a New Year's resolution to do it. Do it now! The same with You Tube, watch subscribe, tell your friends, wash, rinse repeat! Sorry sometimes I get caught up in this loop and if you're still reading this that means you're a loyal web series today friend or have a lot of time on your hands. 

Return To The Chrysalis: Zoey 2013

"The Legend of Zoey"... 26 years later: Return To The Chrysalis


This is a mashup video using clips from a number of sources: see Youtube for details.

 View the entire series: "The Legend of Zoey":

Sunday, December 29, 2013

The Ushers Ep 2 - The cursed girl - #Theusherswebseries

Ep. 2 -  The cursed girl

Second episode of The Ushers - A Dark Tale of a Bright Night, the webseries written by Chiara De Caroli and directed by Andrea Galatà - follow us also here https://www.facebook.com/TheUshersWebseries

Remember: madness is the way we call what we don't know, and that we fear…believe it’s an hallucination, a dream or a ghost, Edgar Usher is warning Father Damien he’ll have to understand a new meaning of the word “believe”. While in Madrid a painter seems to have gone crazy for too much falling into the power of a symbol, Maria tear her heart apart confessing to Father Damien how her desire to have a baby drove her to a “curse” hidden somewhere in a hospital in Berlin. And another call from London comes…

Starring: Andrea Galatà, Chiara De Caroli, Gerry Shanahan, Tom Shaker, Francesca Lana, Manuel Pena Suarez, Estela Calabuig Lòpez
DoP: Guglielmo Pinsone (Italy and Berlin), Niamh Kennedy (Ireland)
Music by Alessandro Fusto
Main Theme Marco Buschini

Shot in: Rome (Italy), Madrid (Spain); London (UK), Berlin (Germany)

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