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Friday, February 21, 2014

Successes and failures in marketing new media

For our show, we started by reaching out to the media outlets covering the niche cultural space from which our show originated, but we soon discovered that those who supported us when we were fundraising were no longer interested when we were giving away our finished production for free!

The geek media appear obsessed over casting choices representing well loved (and drooled over) superheroines and spend inordinate amounts of energy Monday morning armchair quarterbacking (dear Buddha, I hate sports-related analogies ... why did I just use one?) television shows related to big screen franchises. They are, basically, slaves to the big media conglomerates, and are uninterested in independently produced new media coming out of their own community. Or maybe our show just sucked ... failed on its own merits ... but I don't know, because I haven't received very much feedback!

Anyway, I'm trying to figure out what the next step would be. It would really help me to hear from the rest of this community what successes and failures, what boons and challenges you have had promoting your own shows.


  1. The key is often to actually engage with many other shows. For example, watch and interact with all the shows posted here. If you show others that you have an interest in them and their work, they are 100 times more likely to show an interest in you and your work. Yes that does involve interacting one on one, but you have to start somewhere and that is at the core of how the WWW works.

    Incidentally the term "new media" is one that originated back in the early quicktime days when DVDs were the thing and the WWW was not yet born. It pays more to think in terms of the Web medium, especially in its more recent incarnation.

    1. Absolutely. Looking forward to engaging with the other shows.

      However, I am also trying to find ways to reach up and out of the new m-- Sorry. The union stuff here in L.A. still puts Web series production under new media in contracts, so I've gotten used to using the umbrella term. I shall try to get hip to this new jazz.

      Just trying to find ways to reach outside of this community of other producers (who may like watching your show out of professional curiosity, but it's not in their best self interest to help promote you) and reach audiences ... out there ... in the void.

      I mentioned what we tried, and I'd like to calibrate my efforts against what others have tried.

    2. People will help if they get to know you on a "personal level". Now a "personal level" means something quite different on the WWW. You have to engage with entire communities in a way that is unique to the Web. So the more time you spend on the Web and the less time you spend offline the more accomplished you will become at it.

      As for "unions" they were late to the party so many are still catching up with the changes they need to embrace to survive on the Web.


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