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Saturday, April 5, 2014

Ducks Are Weird, Gross & Beautiful


TED Talks: Bill and Melinda Gates: Why giving away our wealth has been the most satisfying thing we've done...

In 1993, Bill and Melinda Gates—then engaged—took a walk on a beach in Zanzibar, and made a bold decision on how they would make sure that their wealth from Microsoft went back into society. In a conversation with Chris Anderson, the couple talks about their work at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, as well as about their marriage, their children, their failures and the satisfaction of giving most of their wealth away.

Taryn Southern: RED LIGHTS - Tiësto - (Taryn Southern Cover) - Music Video

Emma Blackery,: Just Girly Things

Friday, April 4, 2014


Thank you so much for watching! I cannot even put into words how thankful I am for each and every single one of you guys. I wish I could pop through the screen and give you each a huge ginormous bear hug.

How do you judge the success of a Web series?

How do you measure the success of your own show?  Do you judge other people's shows by:

  • Views
  • Likes
  • Followers
  • Whether or not they got a Comedy Central deal

I know art isn't measurable, but oddly enough ... in the Internet age we have counters on everything.  So tell me what you think of these ... or tell me if none of them matter, and you only care about the artistic gesture.

And it's absolutely fine to plug your own show as part of the discussion.

Incidents - new British sketch show


A brand new sketch show from Gerry Howell. Tiny snapshots of a curious world, starring Holly Burn, Gerry Howell, Anna Morris & Joz Norris.

Episode 1

Episode 2

Turtle Canyon Comedy is an independent comedy production company creating great comedy, with exciting talent and across all formats:

TED Talks: Allan Adams: The discovery that could rewrite physics


Wednesday, April 2, 2014

ELIZABETH JUNE (Englishman In LA Web Series) Screen Test Four [HD]

Englishman In LA's Screen Test Interview Series

4th in the Season is the gorgeous Actress Elizabeth June who plays Mother Sunshine in Episode 4 of the Award Winning Web Series

Englishman In LA is an original Web Series starring Ashley Fink (Glee), Cameron Moir (Non-Stop) and Eddie Jemison (Ocean's 11,12,13). See the Series here: www.youtube.com/Englishmaninlashow

Last Day to Submit to DC Web Fest

Don't forget today (Wednesday, April 2) is the LAST day to submit to the 2nd Annual DC Web & Digital Media Festival. For more information & to see all the cool categories, check here: dcwebfest.co/enter

Tapestry Take: Music for Social Change

Tapestry (celebrity) take: Noel Paul Stookey's daughter (of Peter, Paul and Mary), Liz Stookey-Sunde, chats with us about music for social change & their inspiring work with Music2Life.

Jagger Eaton's Pro Skater

Out With Dad: 3.13 “Vanessa Runs”

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


Puppet Master of Cassieiswatching finally revealed?

Since 1996 one of the biggest mysteries facing the Web series and transmedia communities is who created the alternate reality game “Cassieiswatching”. Cassie was last seen in Second Life where a small group of “Cassies” still congregate every Saturday night to work on the unsolved anagram. Recently we receive information from an anonymous source that may lead to the identity of the puppet master behind Cassieiswatching. According to the source, the puppet master was none other than the illusive Satoshi Nakamoto. Yes, the creator of the Bitcoin may have been behind the ARG that set the lonelygirl15 community on fire.

It may be no coincidence that on March 6, 2014 an article that appeared in Newsweek claimed to identify Satoshi Nakamoto, as a Japanese American man living in Temple City, California. Temple City is a city in Los Angeles County in the west San Gabriel Valley not far from where the “Swimming” video from lonelygirl15 was shot in 2006.


The location of this video was used as the location for the first dead drop in the Cassieiswatching ARG. According to the anonymous source the dead drop contained code that could be used to design the Bitcoin crypto currency. Unfortunately due to a “game jack” the original drop went missing and when Cu Roi retrieved the drop it only contained a single tarot card. If in fact Satoshi Nakamoto did create Cassieiswatching it would finally pull back the curtain on one of the longest unsolved mysteries in the community.

What do you think?

Sunday, March 30, 2014


Join in some fun "girl talk" with Savannah & her sorority sisters as they celebrate Savannah's 30 birthday!


Weird Gross Beautiful: Turtles Are Weird, Gross & Beautiful

Missglamorazzi On How To Be A YouTube Beauty Guru | Playlist Live 2014


Awesomeness TV: "Almost is Never Enough" by Ariana Grande feat. Nathan Sykes -- Official cover by Noelle Maracle

GAMING NEWZ: Worst Teenage Facebooks Fall

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