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Friday, May 9, 2014


The episode we have all been waiting for is finally here...Tune in NOW to see how it all goes down!!! #SUBSCRIBE #COMMENT #SHARE. THANK YOU KINDLY FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT!!!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Net Neutrality in the US: Now What?

GAMING NEWZ: EVE Kickstarts Blizzard's Infinite Call

COME TO HARM - BlackBoxTV Presents

Elders React to A Million Ways to Die in the West and TEENS REACT TO EDM (Turn Down For What - DJ Snake & Lil Jon)



Has Avril Gone Kawaii OR Crazy? | YouTube Nation | Wednesday

Taryn Southern: What You're REALLY Thinking The Morning After


#Interitus London Recap

#Interitus Flagstaff Recap

Awesomeness TV: Smosh Hosts ATV on Nick!!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Beyond the Border with an Undocumented American: The VICE Podcast Show 040

This week on the VICE podcast Reihan Salam sits down with Jose Antonio Vargas, the writer and director of the newly released documentary, "Documented."

 Vargas, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, wrote an essay in The New York Times magazine in 2011, where he publicly outed himself as an undocumented immigrant who had been living in the US illegally since he was brought from Philippines at the age of 12.

The film chronicles this coming out experience, follows him on his journey through the US as an immigration reform activist, and gets a glimpse into a much more personal journey, in which he reconnects with his mother whom he hasn't seen in 20 years.

Web Series Today: Tips for new blog authors

1. Before you post on Web Series Today, be sure to read the guidelines provided to you. In particular make sure that you understand that the size of embed that best fits the blog is 640 wide.  Also note that the standard format for tags/labels on the Blogger platform is regular words separated by a "," rather than the #hastag format used on Twitter.

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3. Ask those who participate or simply watch your series to support Web Series Today. By growing Web Series Today we not only help your show but we support all who participate in the space.

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Weird, Gross & Beautiful

Weird, Gross, Beautiful Has a Big Announcement!

Bats Are Weird, Gross & Beautiful

Tardigrades Are Weird, Gross & Beautiful

Cuttlefish Are Weird, Gross & Beautiful

Ponies Are Weird, Gross & Beautiful


Hellloooooo! I am writing to let you know about an new web-series called "The Drunk News", in which we cover the top 3 stories of the week, drunk as hell. Think "Drunk History" meets "The Daily Show" with 2 gay guys and a cute puppy.

We'd love to get your feedback!!! We are in the very early stages and still working through lots of ideas. Feel free to send us your suggestions.

On our latest episode, we cover the Donald Sterling fiasco, the FCC's promise to destroy the internet, and Miley Cyrus' new, nipple-filled tour video:

MO & the Cheese

A new web series showed its face last week and yesterday put out its 2nd episode, what show? MO & the Cheese.  Watch these two dimwitted detectives that don't go by the book, s*** they haven't even read the book.

Get To Know Christina Grimmie - Part 3

i love you

Ingress: Scanner Levels Update: A Message from Dr. Lynton-Wolfe

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Sriracha - PBS FoodBuzz

Welcome to the Family, Capital Factory!

We're happy to announce that Austin's Capital Factory is joining the Google for Entrepreneurs North American Tech Hub Network! In this clip, our seven other hubs in the Network turned their spaces "Austin weird" to welcome the Capital Factory into the family.

Welcome to Jeffrey: the Series!

Welcome to Jeffrey: the Series! I look forward to sharing Jeffrey with the Web Series Today community. Jeffrey's creator, Dan Lund, recently wrote "I love the idea of an animated outsider trying to be on the 'inside' and through that prism we can comment on all things pop culture, political and social. I personally want Jeffrey to live outside of the series, as a taste maker and influencer. He could be the first 'animated pitch person for hire' as we have a real Jeffrey behind the animated one. We are always looking for people who can think outside the box and find ways to let Jeffrey promote their products and brands." 
I'll be posting Jeffrey episodes and blogs as we go along. Currently we have 10 episodes and one special episode online. New shows will be coming back at the end of May. If you have any questions or comments, please let me know. I'll be happy to answer everything.
Mare Aehlich, Public Relations, www.jeffreytheseries 
Jeffrey – he’s over the hill but not over trying to be fabulous. Refusing to be that tree in the woods that no one hears fall, Jeffrey’s life mission becomes harnessing social media and all that entails. He would love to rule the world but until then he sure is going to comment on those who do.
Created by Dan Lund, long time animator (Frozen, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, Lion King) and indie filmmaker, “Jeffrey: the series” explores the lighter side of the midlife crisis. With punchy animation, smartly written vignettes and all the various social networking platforms feeding the narrative, Jeffrey freely comments on all things pop culture, political and social.
“This character wants to be relevant,” Lund says. “Even at Jeffrey’s age he’s still trying to sit with the cool kids at lunch. But then again, aren’t we all?”
If there is a theme in all of Dan Lund’s independent work it’s that he gravitates to the “misfit,” “ugly duckling” or the “delusional charms” of a character’s wants. “I like to find those characters that, despite the rules of the real world, continue to reach for their better self. I think I am good at finding the heart and soul of my subjects through them falling flat on their face. It’s in the moment they get back up that infuses them with charm and keeps me wanting to follow them running down their dream,” says Lund.
“Jeffrey: the series” is based on Jeffrey Morgan, Lund’s cafeteria muse, as he likes to refer to him. “I would hear him ‘working’ the salad bar in the cafeteria at work. He would be entertaining everyone in line with his random comments and excitement for their salad combinations,” Lund remembers. “I said to myself ‘their salads just got a whole lot tastier!’”
Lund, having never really met Morgan, approached him and asked if he would mind being used as a jump off point for an animated web series. He told Morgan it was about a middle-aged, flamboyant guy whose midlife crisis was to be in a boy band. Without missing a beat, Morgan said “Honey, I am a boy band!” Lucky for Lund, the real live Jeffrey was a SAG actor and had a history in TV, stage and a flair for writing.  A week later, everything to put the show in motion was complete and “Jeffrey: the series” was born. Since then a season’s worth of scripts were written, animated and Morgan voiced his animated alter ego.
With the help of Colbert Fennelly, a long time colleague of Lund’s, serving as producer and Amos Sussigan, “Font Whore” and frequent creative collaborator of Lund’s serving as graphics mentor, the small production team was complete. “Team Jeffrey” is ready to share their character with the web world and they look forward to the web world’s influence on Jeffrey. “We want the audience to become active participants in Jeffrey’s social media journey,” Lund states. “I think the world is a better place with Jeffreys in it.”
And like the character always says, “It’s not like I have to be the life of the party. I just want it to suck if I’m not there!” 

Ingress: Jarvis & Mazz: The Ultimate (Surveillance Audio 2 of 2)

Sunday, May 4, 2014

#IngressReport Raw Feed 05/01/2014

The second #Interitus Anomaly belongs to the Resistance.

In the wake of their victory, this signal was sent to me from an unknown location. Images from the ground in London and Flagstaff. Jarvis, leader of the Enlightened, speaks his truth, and Hulong Transglobal intel about the coming Anomalies in Ishinomaki, Japan and Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA is revealed.

In the midst of it all, Susanna chases the breadcrumbs left by her father, further into the secrets of #Interitus.

Klue and ADA 3: Cleanse

Jarvis & Mazz: The Ultimate (Surveillance Audio 1 of 2)


Emma Blackery



Live at Coachella 2014

City and Colour - Sorrowing Man - Live at Coachella 2014

Frank Turner - Recovery - Live at Coachella 2014

Fishbone - Ma and Pa - Live at Coachella 2014

Superchunk - Slack Mother - Live at Coachella 2014

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