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Saturday, November 14, 2015

CLUB 5150: Episode 3

The intervention of Angela (Crista Flanagan) continues and the family tree is rocked as her mother Nadine (Deidre Hall) joins the fold. More episodes at www.club5150series.com.

On a Date with Marcus Johns! - BETCH!

My Dream Quinceañera - Victoria Ep. 2 - Grandma Knows Best

Apple Pie McFlurry at McDonalds?! Taste Test with TheGabbieShow!

I Don't Play - Jordyn Jones Dance Tutorial


HOW TO TEXT YOUR CRUSH w/ Lauren Elizabeth

Bowling Competition w/ The Vamps and Sierra Furtado - Beauty and the Band Ep 6

How To Make a Flower Crown w/MayBaby! - FOLLOW ME EP 10

Friday, November 13, 2015

CLUB 5150: Episode 2

Angela (Crista Flanagan) and family continue her intervention and an important piece of information is revealed.


Thursday, November 12, 2015

I Gotta Be Me - Teaser

Music of the Spheres: The first live-action series to be completely shot in 360 degrees

You might expect that breakthroughs in virtual reality would be coming out of tech hubs like Silicon Valley, but a Washington a team of intrepid filmmakers lead by award-winning media artist Ruth Gregory have begun releasing the episodes for the first live-action series completely shot using a 360 degree camera; allowing viewers the opportunity to look in any direction during a scene.

Music of the Spheres was created, written, and directed by Gregory, a Pullman, Washington resident and shot last summer outside Seattle with an all-Washington crew. The first four episodes are now available on YouTube and Littlstar and there are five more in this season yet to come.

The storyline of Music of the Spheres follows the protagonist Angela as she searches for her sister Elizabeth in an alternate universe ruled by the teachings of Pythagoras. Angela is as determined to save her sister as she is guilt-ridden since Angela accidentally banished her sister to the distant realm as a child.

Gregory is still a little in shock that this story has come to life in this groundbreaking manner, “It's completely wild. When I started writing the series last fall the camera we shot with [a v.360 from VSN] wasn't even available. But as soon as I heard about the possibility to shoot in 360 degrees I knew it would be perfect for our story.”

The revolutionary format did not come without challenges. The crew had to hide out of view during takes. This meant that often they were in a completely different room than where the action was taking place. “I found myself several times huddled behind a tree and listening to the actors perform and trying to figure out if they'd hit the emotional beats of the scene,” Gregory said, “It was challenging for sure!”

Luckily the cast includes a bevy of Washington talent who’ve been seasoned on high profile projects like Syfy’s “Z Nation” and NBC’s “Grimm” as well as movies like Wild and Safety Not Guaranteed. Rosalie Miller stars as Angela and the primary cast also includes Tony Doupe (Dan), Lowell Deo (Scott), Jennifer True (Petra), Jodie Harwood (Pam), Caroline Slater (Young Elizabeth), and Maeve Campbell (Young Angela).

To find out more about the series visit spheresseries.com.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Party Girl: The Series Season 2 rolls on with Chapter XI!

Feuds, friendships, relationships...they all come to an end here as life for Party Girl gets that much harder.

The Taurian Films (www.taurianfilms.co) web series features Cait Pool (Rachel Buchanan), DJ Economou (Edward Buchanan), Jenni Mabrey (Evelyn Buchanan), Lydia A Williams (Michelle Buchanan), Ada Perez (Connie Lopez), Michelle Mayes (Shawna Spears), Natalie Williams (Det. Brenson), Dean Morgan (Chief Douglas), Kyler Hodson (J.R. Douglas), Giovannie Cruz (Red Rose/White Rose) and a host of other talented TX actors!!

For more information on the show check out the Facebook, http://www.facebook.com/PartyGirlWebSeries or http://taurianfilms.co

Any feedback of any kind feel free to comment below or e-mail taurianfilms@gmail.com.

Like the vid and share it with friends, family, everyone, let's get everyone talking about Party Girl!

Season 1 Episodes:
Chapter I - http://youtu.be/Gl-5dxVHn6g
Chapter II - http://youtu.be/4LxNmCLWCp8
Chapter III - http://youtu.be/njwsm8Ctsoc
Chapter IV - http://youtu.be/lkqZ-7ZSBic
Chapter V - http://youtu.be/kj1pLK2yf7Q
Chapter V - http://youtu.be/5G_vvluukA8 (Close Captioned for deaf/hearing impaired)
Chapter VI - http://youtu.be/TFb7qAY7Sog
Chapter VII - http://youtu.be/ugAvrrtcl_M
Chapter VIII - http://youtu.be/yGuIBwO1jLs
Chapter IX - http://youtu.be/3w0dHApsEpg
Chapter X - http://youtu.be/zMSY_ty2Wo0
Chapter XI - http://youtu.be/AIvEkkKIUqc
Chapter XII - http://youtu.be/X_hHtc3HHew
Chapter XIII - https://youtu.be/5jFDSbJCCAE

http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3116674/?ref_=fn_al_tt_6 (Like and Share the IMDB page)

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Bun In The Oven - Episode 3

Happy Webseries Tuesday everyone! (that’s a holiday, right?)
In celebration, here's episode 3 of new comedy web series, Bun In The Oven, about a bakery owner who tries to sell his employee’s baby. Enjoy!
(Other holiday traditions include liking, commenting, sharing, subscribing and the ritual sacrifice of a virgin)

And now the exciting conclusion of Stranded. Only on BROODING.

How to Build a Market and Generate Audience Interest for Your Web Series

So, you've poured your every drop of blood, sweat and tears into a multi-episode web series and spent hundreds and thousands on equipment - all in the hopes of making it big in the industry.

There is too much noise on the social web for most content, and yes, the amazing ones as well, to get discovered on its own. The most daunting phase is building an audience.

Unfortunately, good quality isn't sufficient. A show needs not only to connect, but needs to have a life outside its episodes that people talk about and feel connected to. The views needs to become participants.

The question is, how can you ensure that your series is viewed by all and many, and not just by your friends?

Allow us to present you with the answers:

Meet Your Audience

Let's start off with one of the most recognizable web series on the internet, Justice Woman. In a short span, the show has been able to draw a staggering number of audiences. The creator and star of the show Vanessa Verduga is a regular at the New York comic Con, San Diego Comic Con. She interacts with her fans allowing them to have a sneak peak and surprises every passing year and ensuring trust on the brand is maintained throughout. The fans have the right to know if the creators are equally enthusiastic about the show as they are. There have been times when many people involved with a show don’t seem to match the level of enthusiasm of its loyal audience and trust us, they can see right through it. Imagine the horror and disappointment when fans have to face the reality that the creators look down on their audience, rather being ardent participants.

Keep Budget and Finance and Plan in Check

A web short does not have a standard number of episodes in a season, no standard length and certainly no standard amount of budget to produce a successful one. Right before you give a go on the production process, make sure you have the budget, finance intact, and followed by a successful plan. Keep a note of the episodes you plan to make and the length of each episode in a season. As you build your audience, this plan is going to be extremely important. The audience will have expectations and you are expected to deliver, or you will fail to keep them for engage for long. Also, being consistent in airing schedule is an important factor to keeping your audience. Let them know about your airing dates from the very beginning and then don’t miss it. MAKE IT HAPPEN! 

Network with Other Filmmakers

If this brings peace to you, you're not the only one losing sleep over a lack of coverage by a latest episode. Here's a suggestion: network with other filmmakers in your neighborhood and around the world who could be much valuable resources in attracting a target audience to your show. It would be crazy to consider them as the competition and instead, you will have opportunity to reach out to them on their official pages over social media pages, such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and LinkedIn to develop mutually beneficial and meaningful relationships. Cross-promoting each other’s content on your personal and professional networks can give a boost to some serious new audience members.

Keep Your Facebook and Other Social Media Pages Updated Regularly

As soon as you release your new episode, or write a new blog post on your series, update your Facebook page and other vibrant social media pages. Fans want to see what the show is upto. If you have been nominated or have selected as an official selection to a web festival, put them on Facebook. Use the medium to showcase the bios of people involved in the series. You can also host contest related to the series, announce your next project and post behind the scenes videos and pictures and a lot more. This will help you earn more exposure for your web series.

One of the easiest ways to keep your fans involved is communicating to them, by answering questions and responding to their feedback and making them feel like they are part of the process.

Use Other Platform

Consider adding your series to as many sites, other than YouTube, that you possibly can. Think Vimeo, Daily Motion, Funny or Die, Web Series channel and many more sites out there, use them all.

And Advertise!

Hear this out; advertising is not a dirty word! It’s spreading the word about something great that you created. Spend a few hundred dollars on targeted Facebook, Google or Twitter ads, which will help your series become visible in front of new people. Just be sure to target your specific audience while you advertise.

Monday, November 9, 2015


Who determines what gets posted to the Web Series Today blog?  The simple answer is that YOU do!  Any member of this group can sign up as an “author” which allows them to post to the blog.


Do you have a favorite Web series? Write it, post it, spread it.  Tell the World about it. Post it episode by episode.  Tell readers about the cast and crew  with a behind the scenes post. The choice is up to you.

Want to review a Web series? Write it, post it, spread it. Write it your way, and share it with the Web community on the blog. Review as many Web series as you like.

Run across a great news article? Write it, post it, spread it. Analyse the article and share your insights with the community.

Are you going to an event? Write it, post it, spread it. Cover what happens at the event on Web Series Today and let the World know what went down.

What you post is up to you as long as it has a connection to Web series. 

When you do post to the Web Series Today blog it will be shared on the Web Series Today Twitter feed which has almost 8000 followers. Of course we also encourage you to share it within your own followers.

So, what are you waiting for? Sign up today and write it, post it, spread it.

Archives of the Heart Episode III Is HERE! " Dangerous Raptures"

This episode right here is soooooo good! 17 minutes of Anticipation, Flirtation and Drama! And lets not forget a celebrity cameo appearance from Xavier "DoubleX" Davidson from T.O.K.!"

Industry Keynote with YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki (VidCon 2015)


HEY NADINE: How TRAVEL helps you live a FULL LIFE

Feminist Frequency: Rise of the Tomb Raider Review

CLUB 5150: Episode 1


WE LOVE THE GAYS! National Coming Out Day w/ ElloSteph

Life Noggin: What Causes Headaches?

Michelle Phan: Netflix and Chilling

Eli Roth - Variety Big Data 2015 Keynote

Eli Roth, the filmmaker behind The Green Inferno and Founder of Crypt TV spoke with David Cohen at Variety's 2015 Big Data event.

Anna Akana: Should I Have Kids?


F#@K I Love U

Check out this amazing trailer of the dramedy series F#@K I Love U. WINNER of ITVFest 2015 "Best Acting Ensemble" and The IndieFest 2015  "Award of Merit." The full exciting season one will be premier in January of 2016. New Year, New Episodes, New Adventures. Get caught up and get prepared!!

If you want to become an "author" on Web Series Today please read: http://tinyurl.com/becomeaWSTauthor

For more detailed information about Web Series Today please read: Web Series Today:

For other info contact: WebSeriesToday@gmail.com

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