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Friday, April 9, 2010

The Web.Files #35 - 2010 Streamy Craft Awards

On this week’s episode of The Web.Files the lovely and talented Kristyn Burtt, totally phones it in. Currently, off in New York she till had time to host The Web.Files’ look at the 2010 Streamy Craft Awards, hosted by Jim Festante. Also, for some strange reason I have a sudden urge to learn more about a Toyota.

The 2010 Streamy Craft Awards were this past Wednesday. Some of the highlights were multiple wins for Auto-tune the News, Valemont, and Fear Clinic as well as series wins for Odd Jobs and OzGirl who won for Best New Web series and Best Foreign Web series, respectively. The main award show is this Sunday at 8 Eastern, 5 Pacific and will be streamed live on the Internet.


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